Ever the innovators, Bonolabs is branching out into new territory—growing and building upon what we know.

Drawing upon our 62-year industry heritage, BonoLabs has specialized in digital imaging, media migration, and file based services for our archival and media maker clients. Over the years our crew investigated, developed, and delivered new digital imaging services that incorporated innovative film, video, and electronic technologies for our 21st Century media makers and moving image guardians. Along the way, we developed experiences, skills, and interests that have broadened our horizons.
Given the changes within the media archiving landscape, our staff has reassessed our priorities and interests. Our mission to provide excellence in all that we do remains. However, we are in the process of changing our focus. To that end, we have chosen to discontinue our participation in the National Archives and Records Administration Vendor Program, effective January 2024. This decision on our part was made willingly and without reservations. It simply is the right move for us.
Our mission to provide excellence in all that we do remains. However, we are in the process of changing our focus. To that end, we have chosen to discontinue our participation in the National Archives and Records Administration Vendor Program, effective January 2024. If you were ever a National Archives client of ours, we thank you!
We will return soon with more on our new ventures.