Let us begin by saying that Bonolabs is exceedingly proud of its nearly six decades of service to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). However, we have cheerfully chosen to end our participation in the NARA vendor program effective January 2024.
Over the years, our staff printed and processed millions of feet of NARA film footage and implemented and ran the onsite Inspection Program to which founder Joe Bono generously shared invaluable archival expertise with NARA staff. As the sole original vendor “partner” with NARA back in the late ’70s and early ’80s, Bono’s enjoyed the challenge of fulfilling legacy duplication services which we continued through the MOA and multiple Electronic Intermediate contracts. Our overflowing database is a testament to our numerous and often repeat clients. We are especially grateful for the professional documentarians who returned to us for each of their feature-length projects. To better serve NARA and its clients, Bonolabs pioneered the film-to-high definition tapeless digital workflow at a time when the industry was still entrenched in the film-to-tape culture. Tim Bono innovated solutions that contributed to NARA’s and our many clients’ understanding of the tapeless digital workflow. If you were one of our clients, we thank you!
We are gratified that we were able to extend Joe Bono’s legacy by 15 years—we firmly believe that Joe would be thrilled with our successes and supportive of taking the company in new directions. Bonolabs is ready and eager to turn the page and pursue new endeavors already underway.
We will return soon with more on our new ventures.